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Photos By...

Tim Evensen!!!

Salvadore Dali

"The Persistence of Memory":                                      "Slave Market"

                                               PERSISTENCE_OF_MEMORY.JPG (126684 bytes)                                                slavemkt.jpg (23117 bytes)



Yves Tanguy

"Indefinite Divisibility" (1942)

 tanguy_indef-divisibility.jpg (111183 bytes)


Igal Koshevoy

"ballerina's world through a blinded audience's eyes"

kosh-blr.gif (290287 bytes)


Max Ernst

"Above the Clouds Midnight Passes" (1920)

midnight_clouds.jpg (35329 bytes)


Dorothea Tanning

"A little Night Music" (1946)

tanning_nachtmusik.jpg (69667 bytes)


Hierongmus Bosch

                        "The Estradction of the Stone of Madness"                     "The Seven Deadly Sins"

                                   (The Cure of Folly) (1475)                                                   (1485)

                                          stone.jpg (206571 bytes)                                            7sins.jpg (55476 bytes)


















